Geetha Samuel


Contact Information

Geetha Samuel

M.S.W., M.T.P., F.I.T.P.
Professional Urban & Regional Planner


Professional Urban & Regional Planner with Fellow Membership in the Institute of Town Planners, India and Qualified professional Social Worker.

30 years of service in Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority of the Government of Tamilnadu, India. Retired as Chief Urban Planner & Authority Member. Served as Community Development Worker, Counsellor in Urban slums. At present, freelance Urban & Regional Planning Consultant & Associate Professor (Visiting) in the School of Planning, Architecture and Design Excellence, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Development Consultant & President (Honorary.), The Comforter, an NGO in Chennai. PhD Scholar in Multi-Modal Transportation.

Strengths / Skills : Administration; Management; Urban/Rural/Regional/Infrastructure/Transportation Planning; Social Work Projects Consultancy; Community Development; Proposal Writing; Training; and Counselling.

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